FAQ (Frequency Asked Questions)

What is in Tamil Language Proficiency Assessment Certification Test?
The Evaluation of language proficiency is based on paper-based test. This will be aligning with the format that is followed similar to Language proficiency test model. It measures four basic language skills: Writing, Listening, Reading, and Speaking. The entire exam takes about 3 ½ hours. The stucture of this exam is made up of the following: 
• Part 1: Writing - composition/essay writing (30 minutes) 
• Part 2: Listening - a listening comprehension and answerring questions (45 minutes) 
• Part 3: Reading -  a multiple-choice/fill in the blanks format test (Reading comprehension) (60 minutes) 
• Part 4: Speaking - Oral/interview/speaking test.(30 minutes) 
You can take the written test without taking the oral exam. You cannot take the oral exam without taking the written test. If you need an oral test, make sure that you ask for one when you register. If you are applying for Maryland, Massachusetts, and Virginia Seal of Biliteracy, we strongly recommend taking the oral exam. 

What is the cost for the Tamil Language Proficiency Certification Assessment?
Ultra low cost of $125 for the entire certified exam (includes all four basic language skills). 

Is Tamil Lanaguage Proficiency Certification Test and Tamil Seal of Biliteracy Test same?
Yes, both are same test. If the AJA assessment result is Intermediate High or higher in Tamil Proficiency Assessment then the student meet the requirement for Seal of Biliteracy in Tamil in the State of Maryland, Massachusetts, and Virginia. 

What is Seal of Biliteracy in the State of Maryland, Massachusetts, and Virginia?
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by participating school systems that recognizes a student’s high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in one or more languages other than English.
The Seal of Biliteracy takes the form of a seal that appears on the transcript or diploma of the graduating senior and is a statement of accomplishment for future employers and for college admissions. In addition to the Seal of Biliteracy that marks attainment of high level mastery in two or more languages, schools and districts are also instituting Bilingual Pathway Awards, recognizing significant steps towards developing Biliteracy along a student’s trajectory from preschool into high school.

What is the purpose of Seal of Biliteracy?
High school graduates who can function in two or more languages are equipped with the knowledge and skills to participate successfully in college, careers, and a diverse 21st century society. The State Seal of Biliteracy is established to recognize and reward excellence in language learning as measured by rigorous proficiency assessments.
The purpose of the State Seal of Biliteracy is to:
• Recognize the value of language learning in public schools.
• Encourage students to attain high proficiency levels in one or more languages in addition to English.
• Affirm native or heritage languages.
• Provide employers with a method of identifying individuals with language and Biliteracy skills.
• Provide universities with an additional method to recognize applicants seeking admission/placement.
• Prepare students with the critical skills necessary to function in a global society.
• Strengthen cross cultural communication, affirm the value of diversity, and honor the multiple cultures and languages of our communities.

What are the Eligibility Criteria & Steps to meet Seal of Biliteracy?
To receive a Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, or Virginia Seal of Biliteracy, a student must:
1. Pass the High School Assessment in English; AND
2. Demonstrate Intermediate High proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Tamil.